Please review this help article to better understand the in-session stats/diagnostics available:

Can you please all get in a session together and look at the session diagnostics and let us know:
  • What is the total latency on each of your connections to each other? If there are 4 of you, you'd have a total latency on the connection from 1 to 2, 1 to 3, 1 to 4, 2 to 3, and 2 to 4. 
  • What is the Internet latency on each of your connections to each other?
  • What is the audio processing latency for each of the four of you?
  • Are any of you seeing jitter diagnostics go into the red on either your audio interfaces or your Internet connections?
  • Also, in what city/state does each of you live? Distance matters.
Assuming that you all have your audio interfaces configured decently and have your computers connected via Ethernet to your home routers, then the most likely culprit that would cause latency is jitter.