What are JamTracks?

JamTracks are recordings that contain separate tracks.

When you purchase a JamTrack, you can download and play the full mix, or you can create your own mixes containing any combination of tracks from the song.

You can also change the pitch and tempo of any JamTrack and create a custom mix using those settings.

JamTrack Portability

You can create mixes and play JamTracks from the Mac or Windows app, from an iPhone or iPad, or from the web.

When you purchase a JamTrack either in the Mac or Windows app or on the website, the tracks and mixes automatically  show up and are available to use everywhere (on computer, iOS, or web.)

How to Purchase JamTracks

  • From a computer using the JamKazam app - From the JamKazam Home screen, click the JamTracks tile. The JamTracks page appears:

  • From a browser - Open the JamTracks page on the website at:


  • From the iOS app - At the moment you can't purchase JamTracks on iOS devices, so you have to purchase them from the Mac or Windows JamKazam app, or through a browser, at the link above.

    Once purchased, the tracks will show up automatically on your iOS device.

Note: Playing JamTracks (and other audio files) in a JamKazam session is a fairly resource-intensive process. If you are using a computer with a dual-core processor, you may experience distortion or other issues while playing. iOS devices generally have enough CPU power to play them without issue.