If you're not familiar with JamTracks, click here for a help article that explains what JamTracks are and why you may be interested in using them.

You can read straight through this help article to learn all about using JamTracks in the JamKazam app, or you can use the links below to jump straight to a particular topic if you just need one specific answer. 

Topics in This Help Article

Finding, Previewing, and Buying JamTracks

To find, preview, and buy a JamTrack, you'll need to use the JamKazam website in your browser. Click here for a help article on how to do this

Opening & Playing Your JamTracks

To use JamTracks in the JamKazam app, you need to have downloaded and installed the JamKazam app on your Mac or Windows computer, and you need to have set up your audio gear either for Mac or for Windows. Once you've done this, open the JamKazam app and you'll see the app home page (screenshot below). 

Click the Create Session tile to view the Sessions page (screenshot below). 

Click the Quick Start Private button to start a private session for yourself, and you'll be dropped into the Session screen. 

Click on JamTrack (see blue arrow in screenshot above) to open a JamTrack. The Open JamTrack dialog is displayed (screenshot below).

Click on the name of a song to open the JamTrack. If you have a lot of JamTracks, you can enter the artist or song name in the search box to filter your list. When you open a JamTrack:

  • A JamTrack Player window is opened (see blue arrow on left in screenshot below). You can play/pause/stop the JamTrack playback in this window. 
  • The JamTrack is opened and displayed in the Recorded Audio column of the session window (see blue arrow on right in screenshot below). 

To change the overall volume of the JamTrack, move your mouse over the volume icon on the top JamTrack element, and a volume slider is displayed (screenshot below). Pull the slider up to make the volume louder or down for softer.

You can make any individual part (e.g. voice lead, bass guitar, drums, etc) louder or softer by moving your mouse over the volume icon on the part and adjusting the slider position. You can also pan any individual part left or right in the mix by moving your mouse over the pan icon and adjusting the slider position (see screenshot below). 

It's also worth noting that if you're in a session with other musicians, you can mute out different parts. For example, let's say you play bass guitar and you have a friend in your session who plays drums. You could mute the bass and drums parts, so you and your friend can play those parts live, while all the other parts of the song are supplied by the JamTrack. 

Playing or Downloading a Custom Mix

Let's say you made a custom mix (instructions on doing this in the next section) that slows playback speed by 20% so you can practice and build up your speed. To open a custom mix, click the "show my mixes" yellow text link in the JamTrack player window (screenshot below).

When you click this link, your custom mixes are displayed, and may extend beyond the size of the window. To see more, move your mouse over the bottom edge of the window. You'll see the cursor turn into a double-sided arrow. Click and drag the bottom of the window down to make the window larger (see screenshot below). 

To open the "Slowed Down 20%" custom mix, click the file folder icon next to that mix, and then click the Play icon to play it. To download a custom mix, click the down arrow icon next to that mix. Click the pencil icon to rename a mix. And click the "x" icon to delete a custom mix. Please note that your custom mixes are saved on JamKazam servers, and you can store a maximum of 5 custom mixes per JamTrack on our servers at any time. If you want to make more than 5 custom mixes for a single JamTrack, you'll need delete one of your custom mixes.

Making A Custom Mix

You'll likely want to create custom mixes at some point, to slow a JamTrack down for practice, or to mute the part you want to play (so you're not playing over the top of someone else on the same part), etc. To create a custom mix (using the Create Custom Mix feature), click the "show mix controls" yellow text link, and again drag the bottom of the window down to make the window taller so you can see everything (screenshot below).Use the volume and pan controls as explained earlier in this help article to set the levels for each part and to mute particular parts if desired. Your session settings under Recorded Audio will determine the levels of your custom mix. Beyond setting levels and muting different parts, you can use the Change Tempo control to slow down or speed up your mix, use the Change Pitch control to change the key/pitch of your mix up or down, enter a short descriptive name for your mix, and then click the Create Mix button. It typically takes about 5 minutes for our servers to create your custom mix. Any custom mixes you create will be displayed in the My Mixes feature (see screenshot above), and you can open, play, and download these custom mixes as explained in the previous section of this help article.