Public/open sessions on JamKazam can be a blast. Even if you don't have bandmates or friends online at a given time, you can always hop into another musician's open session to make new friends and play music with others. To find open, public sessions, start by clicking the orange Find Session tile on the home page of the app (pictured below with arrow).

The Find Session page is displayed, with the "For Me" option selected/active at the top of the page. This shows you any currently active sessions started by your JamKazam friend connections, as well as any sessions to which you've been invited. 

To the right of the "For Me" option, there is an "Open Jams" option (pictured below with arrow). Click this Open James option.

You now see a list of all the open, public sessions that are currently active on JamKazam. Scroll through the list and check out the names and descriptions of each session, as well as the musicians in each session. Click the Join icon to join any session (pictured below with arrow).